Fred's feud

a little blog chronicling the journey...

7:38 PM

Days Five to Seven

Posted by (^_^) ♥

I am miserable and it's not because of a diet or exercise: I've got a cold. My head is pounding, I've got a sore throat, sneezing and my ears hurt (!?!?). Luckily it's a long weekend so I can get some rest, unluckily it's a holiday focused on food.

Not to worry, I've already made plans to hit the gym with my mum and her trainer...should be interesting to say the least. Mum and I crack jokes a lot and can be pretty sarcastic, here's hoping her trainer can survive the two of us! Hahahaha!

I'll weigh in again on Saturday and post my results but I'm not sure how accurate it will be since I will be using a different scale. But at this point a loss is a loss, so long as we're head down I'm going in the right direction.

Hope everyong has a yummy turkey day and a great long weekend!!


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