Fred's feud

a little blog chronicling the journey...

10:23 AM

Wow, long time no post...or exercise

Posted by (^_^) ♥

I'm not going to start by making excuses, I've just been lazy. I can honestly say I haven't been to the gym in I don't know how long or really thought about what I was piling on my plate. Complacency is my biggest problem.

I do however, have one excuse for not blogging....I'm taking a course this term, Advanced Writing for the Media, and it's a lot of work so when it comes right down to it: I'm just tried of writing! lol

I am happy to report though that while I have not followed any kind of diet or exercise regime I have only gained 0.5 lbs (currently 184.9lbs), now if I could only get my butt in gear I bet I could make that number smaller. Haha!

In other news, I have recently come to learn just how big of babies men really can be. When I declined to go out with a guy he de-friended me on facebook and every other means of communication and made it a point to tell me he was deleting every email, text, etc.

REALLY?? Did you have yo ask your mommy for help with all that?? Astounding!


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