Fred's feud

a little blog chronicling the journey...

11:39 AM

New Year, New Revelations

Posted by (^_^) ♥

Ok so 2010 hasn't started exactly the way that I would have hoped. When I got back home after the holidays I got seriously sick and missed the first week of work. Ugh. I am on the mend but not yet 100% and am determined to head back to work on Monday.

And while the year hasn't started well I thought about where I was last year at this time and I'm a little better off. Last year I was packing like nuts preparing to move out of my crappy apartment and into my new home. I was a whopping 206 pounds and I was lonely.

Now, I'm settled into my house and about to celebrate the first year here. I weigh 184.4 pounds and I've got a new little dog to keep me company. While I don't feel like I have made much progress in terms of my weigh loss, I've still made progress (~22 lbs of progress).

In the last few months of 2009 I wasn't sticking to any kind of diet or exercise regime but i still got some exercise - whether I want to go or not, Tucker (the dog) needs to go out for walks lol. I also wrapped up my courses (got an A in both, thanks) and most recently one of my teachers sent me a job posting for a high-tech company she's worked with, and told me to say she's referring me.

So yeah, wow! My life isn't exactly where I thought it would be or even where I hoped it would be but things are definitely looking...promising.


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