Fred's feud

a little blog chronicling the journey...

12:39 PM

Day Twenty-six

Posted by (^_^) ♥

October 26, 2009

Boo, weekend weight in wasn't great (189.9) but I suppose it could always have been worse, right?! I'm seriously wondering why I chose now to start this weight loos journey because I don't have any time! A good example of that is the fact that I had class all weekend. That's right I gave up my weekend for a two-day intensive course that I need to complete my program. Tonight I get a bit fo a reprieve though because tonight's class got canceled since my teacher had to fly to Russia (random, I know!).

Going back to why I started this weight loss process now I think I can chalk it all up to Christmas. Not in the terms that I want to be able to eat whatever I want over Christmas but rather more to do with all the visiting that is done over the holiday season.

Every year my family drives out to London, ON to visit with my Oma and Taha and celebrate together. Since I live about 6.5hrs away from London, this is the only time that I see them during the year. And unfortunately this is also the time when they take to making comments about my weight.

Now, they don't do it maliciously, they're only concerned about my health and well-being but that doesn't make it any easier to hear.

Last year I was doing so well that I thought "gee I bet they'll be proud of me now" but after my surgery all my hard work was out the window...what.a.pisser! I'm not sure that I will be able to make any big enough strides that I will see significant results by Christmas but I've got my fingers crossed.


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