Fred's feud

a little blog chronicling the journey...

8:51 PM

Day Seventeen

Posted by (^_^) ♥

October 17, 2009

Ugh, so weigh-in this morning and I was up 1.2 lbs. Booooo! Oh well, I'm blaming it on the horrible bloatiness that pops up every month. (^_^) ♥ lol

Anyway I spent the day doing more decorating for Halloween, since my neighbours have *finally* started decorating and I want to win something in the community contest. I honestly don'e believe that I will win first prize because there's a guy down the street who has gone all out. WAY TO DASH MY HOPES MR. NEIGHBOUR MAN!!

I've never won anything and silly me I thought that since none of my neighbours had decorated yet that I would win but it looks like they were just waiting for the weekend. :(

Since I spent most of my day doing decorating or driving around looking for stuff to decorate with I decided to go for a walk tonight around the neighbourhood (which I have never done before) and from the looks of it mine is one of maybe five houses that has actually been decorated. so maybe when it comes time for the neighbours to vote someone will vote for my house! :D


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