Fred's feud

a little blog chronicling the journey...

6:47 PM

Day Nineteen

Posted by (^_^) ♥

October 19, 2009

Ok so I have no idea what is going on with my body today. I didn't sleep very well, went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 3am and that was it for sleep.

Got to work and felt worn out and not so hot. By 11:30am I was sent home because I was being sick to my stomach and was pale as a ghost. Goody. I managed to get home before I was sick again but not before I thought I was going to pass out while driving. That is not a fun feeling let me tell you.

I was in the house and up to the main floor only seconds before I found myself on the bathroom floor staring into the shiny porceline bowl of the toilet. So for wahtever reason I spent a good part of the afternoon expelling whatever was left in my system and sleeping.

And not wanting to fall behind in my class I have dragged myself to class in hopes that I will make it through without any digestive pyrotechniques.

I know probably more information that anyone would think necessary but it's my blog and I'll write whatever I want to. (Sorry...a little cranky when I'm sick.)

mood: grumpy
feeling: gross
listening to: the ventillation system in class
level of commitment: 0 (don't even want to think about diet or exercise...barf)


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