Fred's feud

a little blog chronicling the journey...

8:14 AM

Days Nine to Thirteen

Posted by (^_^) ♥

October 13, 2009

Well I'm not going to say that I am happy to report this, because things definitely could have gone another way, but I'm still at 189.6lbs. Seeing as Thanksgiving revolves around food and family, I think I did pretty well and I didn't deprive myself of anything. I ate what I wanted whenever I was hungry because let's face it, it's not often I get to have my mum's cooking (we live four hours apart).

I think what may have helped this weekend is the water. I made sure that I was drinking a lot which might have had something to do with me not going overboard and stuffing myself stupid. Plus it's really hard to justify eating tons when you've been putting in the time at the gym.

Speaking of, my mum's trainer is pretty funny and she managed to survive us both! hahaha. She kept her focus on my mum because she's got problems with her joints but she gave me some killer exercises to try, most of which kept me on one foot with the other in the air doing curls. Who knew trying to balance was so hard hahaha!

Today is back to work. I'm tired mostly because I haven't really been sleeping but partly because I spent half the day yesterday driving.

mood: meh
feeling: tired
listening to: the rain
level of commitment: 8


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